MONOBLOG was originally started in March 2013 by myself - Alexi K, a painter / illustrator - based in Birmingham, UK. The intention was to establish a site to feature my pencil sketches and pen-and-ink work.

The idea quickly escalated to include black and white art from friends in the local art scene, and then rapidly went international after that, featuring many outstanding artists from places like Greece, Italy, Austria, the USA and elsewhere.

MONOBLOG's main mission is to showcase great art ( of all genres and mediums ), and to keep it engaging and free of the jargon that often puts a barrier between the creator of the art, and the observer.

Click here to access ALEXI K's personal Art Blog

Alexi K is a co-founding member of Birmingham UK art consultancy THE COBALT BLUE.

Below: Samples from the BLACK AND WHITE DREAMS exhibition, Chania, Crete, June 2013.

All pics by Alexi K, Pen and ink on watercolour postcard

Cubism II


Chinese Woman

Visualisation of the Multiverse